"He made known his ways unto Moses, his acts unto the children of Israel." Psalm 103:7
There are many benefits of reading the Bible, but if you only read it, you are just reading the acts of God. If you want God to show you his ways, then you need to study and meditate on his Word. While you are meditating on his Word, ask God questions. Look up the words in Hebrew or Greek using a Strong's Concordance. Think about the words during the day. Mull them over. Ponder them. Talk to God about them. All the while you are doing this, you will hear God's voice in your spirit revealing deeper truths about the verses you are thinking about or asking him about.
Just last night I was thinking about the words "victory in Christ" and "your victory is in Christ," but I could not put in words what exactly they meant. I have heard these words many times in my Christian walk, but never really understood the meaning, and while I was thinking about them, the Holy Spirit spoke this to my spirit: Your victory is in Christ because every time you follow his leading, every time you do what he prompts you to do, you are heading toward victory in whatever area you need victory in. I tell you, you don't need Bible school. The Holy Spirit is the best Bible School you will ever receive. I have nothing against Bible School, but keep in mind that they will only teach you the acts of God. Only God can teach you his ways.