My name is Barbara Frone and I welcome you to my blog. I pray that my walk with God will encourage your heart and that God will bless you for every step you take towards him. God has a plan for each and every one of us and if we will earnestly seek him every day, he will not only show us his plan for our lives, but he will live it through us. We serve an amazing God!

Friday, February 11, 2011

What is hard for your flesh to do?

God spoke to my heart yesterday while I was driving home from work.  He asked me, "What is hard for your flesh to do?"  I started thinking about all the things that was hard for my flesh to do and there were many.  God then put on my heart that whatever is hard for my flesh to do is usually the right thing to do.  It's an every day war between my flesh and God's Spirit.

When the Bible talks about our flesh, especially in the New Testament, it is talking about our sinful nature, the unregenerated part of us that we inherited from Adam.  It's the part of our soul that gets its needs met apart from God.  It's the part of us that wants what it wants and usually wants it right now.  The world sure knows how to get to that part of us.  That is why we cannot and should not trust our flesh.  "Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.  In all thy ways acknowledge him and he shall direct thy paths."  Proverbs 3:5-6

God's Spirit moves inside of our spirit the moment we accept Jesus Christ as our Saviour.  That means that we have God and all that God is living inside of us.  That means that we have access to all God is at all times.  According to Galatians 5:22-23, the fruit of the Spirit which is what flows out of God is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance.  Is that what is flowing out of your life?  Do you respond in love?  Do you have joy in your heart?  Are you a peaceful person?  Are you longsuffering?  Are you gentle?  Are you good to yourself and others?  Do you have faith?  Are you meek?  Do you have self control?  If you answered no to any of these questions, you are probably doing what is easy on your flesh.

There cannot be two heads in our body.  God and our flesh cannot rule at the same time.  Either our flesh is ruling us or God.  One has to go down.  The Bible says in John 3:30 that Jesus must increase and we must decrease. 

Last spring, I was listening to Dr. Tom Sooter preach at my church.  He talked a lot about the flesh and then he said something that has puzzled me until now.  He said, "Your flesh is never going to want to go to church, so stop forcing it."  Right after I heard that, I asked God, "How do we then do what is hard for our flesh to do?  If we should not force our flesh to do what it doesn't want to do, what exactly do we do?"  The reason I think he didn't answer me right away is because some answers are best when they come in increments instead of all at once. 

One of the things that I kept hearing in my heart is that I need to focus on God and not my circumstances, weaknesses, troubles, or addictions.  By the way, that's where you hear God's voice, in your heart.  One of the things that God has made clear to me is that in order for me to hear his voice, I have to know him.  The Bible says the sheep know their shepherd's voice. 

In James 4:8, it says, "Draw nigh to God, and he will draw nigh to you."  I recently asked God how can people draw nigh to you if they do not know you and God told me that this verse is for saved people, not the unsaved.  When we are saved, we are God's children.  We are his sheep.  We need to draw nigh unto him by spending quality time with him and in his word every day.  We need to stir ourselves up in him.  We need to cast all our care.  We need to praise him for who he is and what he has done for us in the past.  We need to thank him for everything, even things we perceive as bad for us, because if it's in our life, God has it there for our good. 

While you are drawing nigh to God, God is drawing nigh to you.  God draws nigh to you by revealing himself to you.  He draws nigh to you by opening your eyes to spiritual things.  His word will come alive to you.  He will reveal his ways to you.  He will lead you down the path he has just for you and he will walk right beside you.  Whatever you need, he will give you. 

Now for the answer to the question, "How do you then do what is hard for the flesh to do?"  The answer is, "You don't."  You don't, because no matter what the flesh does, it will still be flesh and it can never please God, no matter what it does, good or bad.  No flesh can ever please God.  Romans 8:8 says, "So then they that are in the flesh cannot please God."  Okay, so if I don't, who does?  God.  God does.  God will.  God will take care of everything, if you submit to him. 

While you are drawing nigh to him, he will be teaching you.  Learn.  While you are drawing nigh to him, he will convict you.  Confess and forsake.  While you drawing nigh to him, he will lead you.  Follow.  While you are drawing nigh to him, he will bless you.  Rejoice.  As you are learning, confessing, following and rejoicing, Jesus will increase and you will decrease.  All of sudden, you will want to go to church, and read your Bible, and witness to others, and rejoice even though it hurts, and love others even though they are unlovable, and have peace in your heart even though your circumstances are not peaceful, and have patience, and are gentle and kind, and have faith that can move mountains, and are meek and humble, and have total self control over the flesh. 

Now remember, if that happens to you, it's not you.  It's God working through you.  Remind yourself of this  often, because this will keep your flesh from boasting and thinking that it's something because it does all these things.  Remind yourself of this often, so that you don't become prideful, because God hates pride.  Remind yourself of this often, so that you don't become judgmental of others around you.  Remember it's all God, not you.  God gets all the glory, you get none.  And by the way, you don't need any glory, because you have all you need.  You have God.   

Who is leading your life?  God or your flesh?