Satan works overtime on women, because women have the power of influence over men. You don't have to look far in the Bible to see this. Eve convinced Adam to partake of the apple. Delilah convinced Samson to tell her where he got his strength from. Sarah convinced Abraham to sleep with her handmaid, so they could have a baby through her handmaid. Satan knows if he can get to the woman, the woman will get to the man.
There is another reason why Satan works overtime on women. It's because they have a womb. It's because they have the ability to reproduce. Women produce more men and women. Satan cannot reproduce. He has to work with what he has right now. Satan and his demons cannot reproduce. He will do anything to convince women to get rid of their offspring. He will do anything to stop the reproduction of more Christian soldiers whom he will have to fight.
I believe this is the reason why God tells women to submit themselves to their husbands. It's not to suppress them. It's to protect them. There is protection under authority. God has given us an authority structure and if we stay under it, we are protected. It's like an umbrella of protection. As long as you stay under it, you are protected. But if you leave from under your umbrella (disobey the authority over you), you are left out in the open for the devil and his angels to get to you. In fact, there is a verse or verses in the book of Psalms which talk about this, but I can't find it right now. I will fill it in as soon as I find it. If you know it, please write it in the comments.
Women, submit yourselves to your husband and then to God, and don't let Satan convince you to do anything contrary to the Word of God.
"For the man is not of the woman; but the woman of the man. Neither was the man created for the woman; but the woman for the man. For this cause ought the woman to have power on her head because of the angels." 1 Corinthians 11:8-10