My name is Barbara Frone and I welcome you to my blog. I pray that my walk with God will encourage your heart and that God will bless you for every step you take towards him. God has a plan for each and every one of us and if we will earnestly seek him every day, he will not only show us his plan for our lives, but he will live it through us. We serve an amazing God!

Wednesday, March 7, 2012


          This weekend my mom called me and told me something that my great niece said that I never want to forget. She was sitting on a slide outside, but was too scared to slide down and when she saw her Papa, she said to him, "Rescue me, Papa!" I haven't been able to get that phrase out of my mind, "Rescue me, Papa!"

          Our Heavenly Father not only wants to save us eternally, he also wants to save us every day. It makes him happy when he can rescue us. If you would allow me, I would like to put it into something us humans can understand. God gets his strength from saving us. Remember the woman at the well? When Jesus' disciples left him at the well, he sat down because he was tired, but when his disciples returned and offered him food, he didn't take it because he regained his strength after giving his living water to the Samaritan woman. He didn't want anything from the woman at the well except to save her. He wants nothing from us except to save us. He wants us to come to him every day and ask him to rescue us. Think about it. What do we have to offer God? What can we give God? There is nothing good inside of us. God cannot draw anything from us. We don't have anything inside of us for him to draw on. He wants us to draw from him.

          Our Heavenly Father wants to save us from temptation, from hurts, from whatever we have to deal with that day. He wants to save us by giving us wisdom and strength. He wants to save us by fighting our battles for us.

          We need to see Jesus as our daily Saviour. If we see Jesus as our teacher, we will see him as someone giving us a set of teachings that we by our own effort must apply. But Jesus didn't come to be our teacher. If we see Jesus as an example to follow, his example will only condemn us by his perfect, sinless, holy life. And if we are trying to make him as an example to follow, it is upon our own resources we have to draw on which we have none, because we are spiritually bankrupt. Jesus came to this earth to be our Saviour. Not a judge, not a lawgiver, but a Saviour. "For unto us a child is born this day in the city of David a Saviour."

"Rescue us, Papa!"

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