My name is Barbara Frone and I welcome you to my blog. I pray that my walk with God will encourage your heart and that God will bless you for every step you take towards him. God has a plan for each and every one of us and if we will earnestly seek him every day, he will not only show us his plan for our lives, but he will live it through us. We serve an amazing God!

Friday, March 2, 2012


     Do you want to know the quickest way into the Promised Land?  Do you want to know how to get to the Promised Land in eleven days instead of forty years?  Do you want to leave the desert where it is dry and go into the Promised Land where there is milk and honey?  Do you want to leave the desert where there is murmuring and complaining, and go into the Promised Land where battles are won?  Do want to leave the desert where there is worrying and doubt, and go into the Promised Land where there is peace and joy?  Do you want to leave the desert where there might be fleshly comfort, but in the Promised Land there is spiritual comfort?  There might not be any giants in the desert but we don’t have to worry or be afraid, because the battle is the Lord’s.   

     Now let's get back to the question, "Do you want to know the quickest way into the Promised Land?"  The answer is, "Obey God."  Believe God by obeying what he is telling you to do, because when you obey God's voice, you are not only saying to him that you trust him, but you are trusting that whatever he is asking you to do, he will do it all through you.  But when you don't obey God and you do what you want to do, when you want to do it, you are not only saying to God that you do not trust him, but as soon as you do what it is you want to do, it will be your flesh doing it, not God.  Not only is our flesh as filthy rags, but at the Judgment Seat of Christ, we will only rewarded for the things God did through us and everything that our flesh did will be burned up as wood, hay, and stubble. 

     What I have learned in my walk with God is that if I listen to God's voice and not to mine, if I obey what God tells me to do instead of doing what I want to do, it all flows so easy, so effortlessly.  But if I do what I want to do and when I want to do it, it doesn't flow easily at all.  In fact, I often get down right frustrated. 

     Every time you obey God's voice in your heart, you take one step closer to the Promised Land.  How will you know when you have arrived?  You will have peace and joy in your soul always, no matter what is happening around you.  Bon voyage!
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