The other day I was watching a program about the Navy Seals. If you ever want to see elite soldiers in the making,you need to watch what they go through in their training. In this particular program, the Navy Seals were training for a mission. After they received their instructions on how to carry out the mission, they went through the steps of the mission over and over again until they had it memorized. They practiced over and over again until they automatically responded the way they were instructed to respond, not in the way they wanted to respond. This fascinated me because I realized that God wants to train us in much the same way.
God gave us an instruction book on how to live as elite soldiers on this earth. He gave us a mission and he wants us to practice over and over again until we always respond the way he wants us to respond, not in the way we want to respond.
God puts us through a training program much like the Navy Seals. He gave us a mission, to love him with all of our heart, soul, and mind, and to love others as ourselves and we need to practice this mission every day until it becomes a part of us. We need to practice this mission over and over again until we respond as God has trained us to respond in his instruction book.
Did you ever wonder why God said that we must go through tests and trials? I think it's because tests and trials are a part of his training program. How can we learn if we don't go out and practice? If we only read about it and never practice what we are reading, we haven't really learned it. The Navy Seals read many books and go to classroom instruction, but if they never go out into the field and practice what they have read and learned in the classroom, they have no idea if they can do it.
Tests and trials are God's training program. Responding in love is our mission. Do you want to be an elite soldier? Then read God's instruction manual until you know it by heart. Go through classroom instruction by studying the Bible. Then go out into the mission field and do what God has instructed you to do and may God bless you every step of the way!
"Thou therefore endure hardness, as a good soldier of Jesus Christ. No man that warreth entangleth himself with the affairs of this life; that he may please him who hath chosen him to be a soldier." 2 Timothy 2:3-4