When you are born again, God comes to live in your spirit. You receive his nature in your spirit, but something has to be done about your soul. Your soul and body will be redeemed when Jesus returns, but until then, you need to deny yourself (your flesh, which is part of your soul), pick up your cross (whatever God has for you to bear in this life), and follow Jesus. In other words, do what Jesus wants you to do instead of what you want to do. Surrender your will to God and he will do great and mighty works through you. How do great men and women of God do it, you ask? They have surrendered their lives (their will) to God and have saturated their minds with God's Word. It's not them. It's God working through them. That's how you live the Christian life. You let God live it through you. Jesus didn't come to do away with the law, he came to fulfil it through your life. Deny yourself, pick up your cross, and follow Jesus, and he will do great and mighty works through your life.