You will never change until you change your mind. The saying, "It's all in the mind" is true. Change your mind and you will change your life. How do you change your mind, especially when you have been thinking this way all of your life? You need to replace the lies you have been taught by this world with truth. And where do you get this truth? You get the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth in The Holy Bible, God's Word. Every word in the Bible is truth.
The world has taught you that if someone hurts you, or bothers you, or upsets you, you should get angry. The world has taught you that you should hurt them back. The world has taught you that you should become bitter and never forgive them. But God's Word tells you to never go to bed angry. God's Word tells you to forgive, but not just once, seventy times seven. God's Word tells you to love people, but not just your friends, also your enemies.
The world's teaching (lies) leads you down the path of destruction. God's teaching (truth) leads you down the path of life. Choose you this day whom you will serve. Every day you have a choice. Which path will you walk on.