Yesterday God told me that I need to start praying powerful prayers instead of safe prayers. I immediately knew what he meant, because I always pray for people or situations in a way I believe God will or can answer. I have been so guilty of praying safe prayers for people and situations. I have been so guilty of praying not how I really wanted to pray, because deep down in my heart I believed God couldn't answer that way. I really wanted to pray for God to turn my nephew's life around 180 degrees because the path he is on now is a path of destruction. I have prayed for God to save my nephew, but deep down I didn't think anything would change. I have been praying for several people that are close to me, wanting God to save them, draw them, teach them what he has taught me, but my little mind couldn't get past the way they are now. My little mind couldn't figure out how God was going to get them to walk down a path towards him instead of the destructive path they are on now. But yesterday when God told me to stop praying that way, to stop praying safe prayers, I purposed in my heart that from today forward, I would only pray powerful prayers because there is nothing too hard for our God. From today forward, I will pray whatever is on my heart and disregard what my little mind is trying to figure out, I will disregard my feelings, because there is nothing impossible for our God.